Lectra Online Services
In order to access Lectra online services, customers should allow access to the IPs & domains Lectra operates on/with.
In order to access Lectra online services, customers should allow access to the IPs & domains Lectra operates on/with.
Lectra delivers multiple solutions on the cloud. Find below information regarding IPs & domains.
Lectra solutions are served over several IPs.
The list is dynamically computed and accessible here.
The applications that Lectra provides use the following main domains (& subdomains) to access data and/or consume services:
Additionally Lectra solutions need to access partners & 3rd party platforms & services, including:
Finally, several web applications, from Lectra or Partners, use CDNs to store and distribute static web content.
Those CDNs networks should be accessible. Visit the CDN wikipedia page for a list of principal worldwide CDNs.
For some special scenarios, mainly install & updates, we may also use the following domains: